Identifying Star Patterns
The factors that should consider when observing night sky
- The date should near a full moon Poya day.
- Be aware of poisonous animals.
- get ready for the sudden climatic changes.
The Greek alphabet
The Greek alphabet is used to denote star patterns.
The main letters are : Alpha - brightest star
Beta - second brightest star
Gamma - Third brightest star
There are seven stars in this constellation.This constellation can be seen in February and March at 8:00 p.m.
Gemini constellation is like twins. There are two main stars in that constellation.That help to identify the head region of the Gemini constellation. The brightest star in that constellation is 'Caster' and the second brightest star in the head region is 'Pollux'.
Canis major
This constellation is similar to a dog.the total number of stars in that constellation is 8. One brightest star,three second brightest stars and 4 third brightest stars can be seen in that constellation.
Seven stars can be seen in this constellation.The brightest star in this constellation is 'Alphacentori'. This constellation is similar to head of an ox and it is like a 'V' shape. Near to the Taurus constellation there are group of stars called "Pleiades".
Ursa major
This constellation is similar to a structure of a bear.There are 5 second brightest stars and 2 third brightest stars.This constellation can be seen in the north region.
Ursa minor
There are seven stars in this constellation.The second brightest star in the tail region is known as 'Polaris'.
There are nine stars in this brightest star,two second brightest stars and six third brightest stars.
Southern Cross
There are four stars.two brightest stars,one second brightest star and one third brightest star. In southern cross constellation there is a star close to earth. It is "Proxima Centory'.
Identifying Star Patterns Using Star Map
Aries , Taurus , Gemini , Cancer , Leo ,Virgo , Libra , Scorpius , Sagittarius , Capricorn , Auarius , Pisces .
Uses of Constellations
- To find out directions.
- To find out Lagna.(The lagna can be obtained by observing the star pattern in the east horizon according to the birth time.)
- For making horoscope.
- To study astronomy.
- To find out the comets.
- To find out the position of the planet according to the star pattern.
Existence of Stars and Galaxy
Some Galaxies in the universe are,- Andromeda
- M81
- Milky Way
- Magellan
milky way |
Our solar system is belongs to the Galaxy "Milky Way". It is a spiral galaxy. It composed of billions of stars and the median of the galaxy is thicker than the edges. In addition to the spherical galaxies there are elliptical and irregular galaxies.
Birth of a star
Life span of a star is millions and billions of years. The place where a star is begin is known as "Nebula". A star begins its life by the condensation of a molecular cloud due to a gravitational collapse.A molecular cloud is,a large cloud containing dust, and gasses such hydrogen and helium. Such a cloud is many light years in length and breadth. Due to gravitational force, this cloud of dust and gasses shrinks gradually and subject to rotate at high speed generating a deal of heat and pressure. When the temperature reaches about 15000K the center of the dark cloud appears to shine. Such place is called a "Protostar".
protostar |
As the protostar shrinks further it's temperature and pressure rise up more and more, and speed of rotation too increases. The two areas as the core and the disk can be identified. Astronomers are of the opinion that real stars are formed from the inner core, while planets are formed from the outer disk. The planets revolve round the respective star.
Around temperature of about 'Nuclear fusion' starts, where small atoms colect and form large atoms.Here there is formation of helium atoms combining hydrogen atoms .
During the action of nuclear fusion it generates an enormous amount of energy, as well as pressure. the large amount of energy cause the star to shine brilliantly. This is the way of forming a "real star" Our sun is a such star. "Vega Sirius", is another star at that age.
Orion Nebula |
The place where a star is born is called "Nebula".There is a nebula that can be observed with our naked eye in the sword of the famous Orion or Warrior constellation.It is called great "Orion Nebula ".
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